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Zach enlisted in the United States Army in August of 2005 at age 18 just after graduating high school in June 2005. Zach was born and raised in the Dover PA area.


He completed his training at Ft. Benning, Georgia as an Infantry Soldier in January 2006, then off to his first duty station in Schweinfurt, Germany. He remained there for 7 months enduring intensive training. On August 6, 2006 (which happens to also be Zach's birthday) along with his unit (Big Red One, Dagger Brigade, Blue Spader) deployed to Iraq. The date on the photo above was the last time he was home on leave and the last time his family got to spend time with him. On July 18th 2007 while out on a routine patrol in North  Eastern Baghdad his Bradley fighting vehicle which he was a gunner was hit by a 500 lb. IED (That was set off by remote control) on their way back to the base called Old Mod where they were living. On that day Zach gave his life for what he believed in and to better the lives of Americans everywhere.


This fund  allows us to assist homeless veterans that may not be able to provide for themselves, that may need a warm meal or a warm bed for the night, a clean outfit, to send care packages to the troops serving overseas protecting our freedom and other various community support.

Through our efforts we have been able to assist many Veterans with housing, household items and needs to move forward in life.  We are able to do what we do through the generosity of our community support from storage unites, furnishings and monetary donations to provide much needed support.  Our foundation has been able to assist many Veterans through the years of operation.

We also provide moral, emotional support and guidance to those that need direction.

Without the support of our community what we do for our Veterans would not be possible. 

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