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Message from 2014 YTI Scholarship Reciepient Donald Warner...
This is for you and ALL the staff of YTI'S/MTC. You can forword this on to all, and to any of the other staff of the entire YTI system. I have had one of the greatest time's of my life going to school. I have always loved to learn and when it is something that I truely love, it is that much more enjoyable. I have a love,respect,and admiration for the school which noone can ever take from me. I've made new freinds as well as learned more about myself.I've had a strick code I live by and have always stuck to my guns, and since I've come to school that code has become even stronger. Never give up,always ask questions and ALWAYS try to keep learning more. I have even more pride in myself, and you and your staff have made that possible. Putting on a cap and gown and walking up to be given a diploma was one thing that I thought may never happen in my life, and when they said my name and with all the pain I was in, well I said to myself I'm not gonna use this cain,I have to walk up with out it the best I can, and I was saying to myself, YOU DID IT! You never gave up! Don't stop, keep going,not just here but all the time. When I turned and held Zach's picture up and heard the cheers, the feeling that I had was undrescribably awesome. I didn't know were my wife, son's, daughter, and daughter in law were but I heard them, as well as the others. When we filed out and were in the lobby, the look in my kid's and wife's eyes were with such pride in me and again the feeling,well you know. They took pictures of me and were like lets go, and I said no I have to see someone and then here come Deb and Ron.My family didn't know what they looked like so when I grabbed and hugged Deb they knew. Of course I hugged Ron. Then Deb said I have two pressents for you and my family and I were caught off guard. Deb gave me a coin with Zach's picture and dates on from last years run. The look in my family's eye and mine were with tears. Then Deb said I'm giving you one of Zach's Dog Tag's and the tears really flowed, from all of us. I can't come off with any other words to say than,that I am so, so, very, very HONORED to have been given that gift. I now were that tag,and will.Then Deb said to my wife I have a present for you because I know how hard it can be for the family's, and the suport they give. My wife and kid's were in AWE! Needless to say My family and Zach's family just got bigger, and its because of you and your staff. I truely want to thank you all for that. So with that I will say again to you and all your staff, even the one's from the night class's that several times I've had the pleasure of talking to, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR WHAT YOU ALL HAVE DONE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY!!!... I will keep in touch and stop in to visit from time to time.

In this video you will see 2 students from YTI Motorcycle Technology Center receiving scholarships to help offset the balance of their tution.  As you can hear for yourself this means the world to these 2 young men just starting out in life.. to not have a debt from the day they graduate is big,  Most see us raising money for this and that but what you don't see is where that money is going and how the lives of others are changed.  With the money we raise this is what we do and Zach is still touching lives today.


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